News | Prospan Arabia

4-Fold Power of Prospan®

وصفة مثلجات اللبن والتوت

Berry Yoghurt Pops Recipe

Prospan® is excited to share this Berry Yoghurt Pops Recipe with you, for a delicious, easy to make, cheerful snack for your kids to enjoy in this hot summer season! Add to your knowledge: • Frozen yoghurt has become more popular over the past decade, driven by strong consumer interest in healthier dessert alternatives. •…
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وصفة الدجاج والبروكلي مع المعكرونة والجبنة

Cheesy Broccoli and Chicken Pasta Recipe

Enhance your next pasta dish by trying Prospan’s® warm, melted Cheesy Broccoli and Chicken Pasta Recipe. It is tasty, simple, and may become your favourite cheesy dish with plenty of richness and flavour. Add to your knowledge: • In order to get high-quality herbs and spices, we encourage you to grow them in-house and store…
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ثماني طرق لإبقاء أطفالك مستمتعين خلال الصيف

Eight Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained During Summer

For most families, summer is the best season to spend a relaxed holiday and pursue fun activities with the kids. Prospan® has recommended some activities to keep your kids entertained during summer! 1. Play Chess Focus on your kid’s internal strengths to improve the way he/she thinks. In time, a chess player will interpret and…
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Crab Salad Recipe

Crab Salad Recipe

Are you passionate about trying fresh, tasty, and healthy salads? Prospan® gives you this superb Crab Salad Recipe to treat yourself after a long week. It looks rich and stylish thanks to its unique ingredients that add an extraordinary taste. Add to your knowledge: • In order to choose good quality crab sticks you need…
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Horaa Osbao Recipe

Horaa Osbao Recipe

Before you dig into the main Iftar meal, enjoy this Horaa Osbao Recipe as an appetizer. It is a crowd-pleasing recipe that will leave you satisfied. Add to your knowledge: • Brown lentils provide the body with non-heme iron, that is less easy for the body to absorb, but valuable for people who do not…
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Creamy Corn Soup Recipe

Creamy Corn Soup Recipe

Ramadan’s Iftar table is the most generous throughout the year! It covers both oriental and international dishes to be shared with our loved ones. On this day, Prospan® encourages you to break your fast with this Creamy Corn Soup Recipe, which is considered an excellent starter to help your body regain its lost energy. Add…
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هل يساعد حساء الدجاج في محاربة نزلات البرد؟

Can Chicken Soup Help Fight a Cold or Flu?

A lot of mothers cook chicken soup when family members catch the cold or flu! Does it really help or is this just another myth? Read more to find out. Can Chicken Soup Help Fight a Cold or Flu? Although chicken soup has been passed down from generation to generation, there are no studies or scientific…
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هل هناك رابط حقيقي بين الحساسية والمزاج؟

Is the Allergy-mood Link Real?

Seasonal allergies are one of the most annoying conditions that affect many people every year. Today, Prospan® provides you with four short questions and their answers to reveal why many doctors believe that there is a real connection between allergies and mood. 1) Is the Allergy-mood Link Real? Yes, the link between allergies and mood…
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Shrimp Sandwiches Recipe

Shrimp Sandwiches Recipe

How about a change from the typical sandwiches? Prospan® offers you a delicious Shrimp Sandwiches Recipe that is both easy to make and very enjoyable. Add to your knowledge: • The word “sandwich” was named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was a rich gentleman asking his servant to bring him meat stuffed…
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Chicken Pie Recipe

Chicken Pie Recipe

Is lack of time holding you back? Whether you are cooking for a small or a large family, Prospan® makes it easy for you with this simple and delicious Chicken Pie Recipe. Add to your knowledge: • Chicken pie has been ranked as one of the most popular types of savoury pies in Great Britain.…
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