News | Prospan Arabia

4-Fold Power of Prospan®

Ramadan Quit Smoking Challenge

For a healthier, happier life, quit smoking now! The holy month is approaching, so let’s start thinking about all the things we want to change in our lives, and the best habits we would like to adopt. In Ramadan, We spend all the day time without smoking, which means we are halfway towards a smoking-free…
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What Is The Difference Between Mucus and Phlegm?

Mucus and phlegm are naturally produced in your body to serve the same purpose, They act as a protective filter for your lungs by filtering the irritants in the air, such as dust, bacteria, smoke, and allergens. These fluids are produced all the time, but the problem occurs when they are being overproduced. Mucus versus…
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How do I avoid the symptoms of seasonal allergies?

As the spring season is upon us, many of us tend to suffer from coughing and nasal congestion. So, How can we control the symptoms of seasonal allergies or the so-called pollen allergy in order to enjoy this beautiful season? Pollens are very small in size, yet they cause many troublesome symptoms for individuals who…
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Mother’s Day Competition

Celebrate Mother’s Day this year with an exciting and extraordinary competition from Prospan®! Whether you are a daughter, son, mother, or soon-to-be mama, join us by sharing heartfelt messages of gratitude and love for our mothers on Mother’s day and get a chance to win a grand prize. To enter the competition, share your messages…
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Why is Prospan® The Ideal Choice Against Wet Cough?

Alcohol-Free Prospan® Around 5,000 years ago, alcohol was used as a medicinal ingredient for treating different illnesses and diseases and has continued to be a key ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry in a variety of manufacturing processes. However, the 20th century had seen a wealth of medical research that reported the negative effects of alcohol…
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Why is Prospan® The Ideal Choice Against Wet Cough?

Sugar-Free Prospan® Prospan® is the number 1 herbal cough syrup in the world, with proven safety and efficacy in treating wet/productive cough for all ages. Prospan® is sugar-free, alcohol-free, and preservative-free, which adds to its safety and makes it a trust-worthy medicine that has become a staple in every household. Prospan® is sugar-free, which means…
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Healthy Ginger Cookies Recipe

Enjoy the tangy taste of ginger cookies this winter! Your kids and family will love it, especially in the cold, rainy or snowy weather that will add coziness and fun to your winter evenings. Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory effects; it is a powerful antioxidant and is effective in improving digestion and gastrointestinal health.…
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Lung Conditions in the Workplace

Lung conditions in the workplace, or occupational lung disease, is dependent on the nature of the workplace, its location, and the environment. If you are experiencing persistent symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, then it is possible that you may be suffering from the common symptoms of lung disease related to the type…
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